1,000 Words

1,000 Words – My Blog

Photographers share their photos, but I want to share what my photos mean to me. If pictures are worth a thousand words, just what are those words?


Art is subjective and a variety of people can connect with the same picture different ways. No matter how deeply I connect with I’ve seen, I always wonder just what the photographer “saw.” I’m going to share my interpretation, what I “saw,” in hopes to give you a new perspective from which to enjoy each photo. I hope you will share your vision and interpretations with me as well!

Seashells by the Seashore

Seashell's Reflection

“She sells seashells by the sea shore.”

During my day at the beach with Kelly, where I was trying to recreate some reflection style photos by Elliot Erwitt, I experimented with taking photos of a lot of different reflections. I shot the sky, the sand, the ocean, the grass, and just about every landscape I could find. Once I turned my mirrors towards Kelly, and found that a subject who could influence the feel of the reflection was key, I made the realization… Continue reading “Seashells by the Seashore”



I took a photography class over the summer of 2016. It was a wonderful class in which the bulk of our meetings were spent walking around the downtown and scenic areas of Stuart, Fl. We walked along boardwalks and beaches photographing nature in a variety of ways. We learned and practiced portraiture, bokeh, leading lines, and many more techniques. Our final project was to recreate a style used by a famous photographer. I chose… Continue reading “Reflections”